Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Silent but Deadly

I was sure the room was empty. I was too damn sure. "I know you're listening.", i muttered. I laughed. Alone. Then, i heard noises from the other side of the walls. Someone must've freaked out. I'm sure. They were listening.

I began to suspect that something freaky was going on. Something freaky is always going on.
I took a glass to listen to the walls. Nothing. The faucet began to whisper. Whisper words i could not comprehend. In fact, i could not even hear it. What was i doing, anyway? I sat down.

Strong winds began to scream. Horror at its finest. The flatulent winds began to burn my senses. Sight. Hearing. Smell. Taste. Touch. All of them damaged by the winds. Gone.

i know it wasn't me who farted. I know it was you. YOU!

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