Thursday, September 24, 2009

Music and Me

I like music. Who doesn't? Well, maybe that douchebag thinks that music is a waste of time, but that's beside the point.
When i was just in first grade, my first instrument was a tremelo harmonica. A Hero Harmonica with 32 holes(16 double reed). I lost interest, and playing was forgotten for a while.
In fourth grade, i still didn't know much about bands and rock and roll. My dad turned on the radio one sunday, and the DJ played A Hard Days Night. That's when i discovered the Beatles for the very first time. As i grew older, my love for music grew.
High School. I started to listen to The Cure. And Nirvana. And Metallica. And Oasis. Even listened to the occasional hip-hop track. Basically, i was into rock. I discovered Daft Punk, Bloc Party, Radioactive Sago Project, and Eraserheads. Basically, i liked stuff kids at my school would never listen to. I never did like pop. Pop will always be low-brow. I hated Aqua. I loathed the sound of Rap-metal. It was the bastard child of two great music genres. FUCK YOU LIMP BIZKIT. I AM DISGUSTED BY YOUR MUSIC.
College. My Beatles obsession took over me. Sported a moptop (an "Arthur", if you will), and made it grow long. When it was the right length, i backcombed it. I started to resemble Robert Smith. Music took over my fashion sense. Wore nothing but black, but i stayed away from make up. I already look naturally pale.
Now, i'm beginning to learn guitar and bass guitar, and bought myself a new harmonica (another tremelo. a diatonic is hard to find in my area). Might start a band soon, once i master my instruments.
Until then, i'll be creating poems and songs.