Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Can't Think of a Title

I have decided to write normal blogs in between posts of Collide-o-scope Eyes. Don't worry though, consider it a break in the routine. Besides, writing fiction is hard business, so writing non-fiction gives me a breather.

Fiction mainly revolves around making shit up (obviously), and making "good" shit up is a hard thing to do if you're stressed. Or tired. Or uninspired. Or bored. Or disturbed (not crazy/disturbed, but pestered/disturbed). Or angry.
Non-fiction on the other hand, is a bit fairly easier to write. One reason: it's real, and you can't make reality stuff up (unless you work for reality shows). Just honesty, that's all. I have one problem though, my reality and fiction usually get mixed up. I'm not even sure if this is real.

That is all.

The Ghostwriter

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