Saturday, August 8, 2009

Boybands, Fedoras, Parties, and Other Things.

Lots of things went on during the days when twitter was down.


Our college's sports festival. I played darts, and lost. I played softball, and we won 2nd. I competed in the quiz bowl, and we won 2nd too. All was well. That evening. We (i and three of my friends. Note: we are all straight men.) were supposed to compete in an impersonation competition, a contest were the usual people are gays that impersonate girl groups. We thought, "Hell, it's always girl groups. Why not boy bands for a change?". We choose the Backstreet Boys, because it was the first thing that came to mind when the word boy band is uttered.
The Backgate Boys.
L to R: me, mark, fred, maiko

We won that damn competition. Here's the details on the after party, AKA the College of Education Socialization.

Saturday Morning
Bought a new fedora, and i bought it from a rather odd shop. It has electronics (dvd players, digital clocks, flat screens) on the first floor, a pet shop on the second floor, and miscellaneous other things like lighters and dildos around. That's right. I said dildos.They sold them in this secluded, but open, area of the shop, just next to the counter. The area where they sold hats, guitars, rice cookers, and dildos. They had ran out of black, ever since Michael Jackson died, so i had to settle for a grey one, which was a problem since i don't own a grey suit, or a grey trench coat, or any trench coat. (this is a tropical country. Go figure)

Saturday Night
Hurriedly dressed up for the party.
Black coat, check.
Black tie, check.
Grey fedora, check.
Yeah. That's me.

Lots of weirder shit went on. Like this:
That's our trophy. ENVY US!!!
and this:
The backs of the Backgate Boys
and these:


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