Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DebtNote and Other Money Matters

Debt. Almost everyone's problem, that's why i don't want any of it.
As much as possible, i never borrow money. I don't want to be responsible for someone elses money. Hell, i don't even want to be entrusted with money. I'm afraid i might lose it and pay for it.

I always pay cash. Only problem is, i don't carry too much cash. It's cheaper and better. I only carry what i need, plus 20%, in case of emergencies.
I think it's stupid to wear wallet chains. Here's why:
A pickpocket takes your wallet. You feel a tug on your chain. The pickpocket can't get the wallet, what does he do? He'll pull your chain, and stab or shot you, and just take the cash in your wallet and leave you lying down, bathing in your own blood.

I hate those e-mails that tell me i'd be getting millions (in some cases, billions) because i won a lottery made possible by a tobacco company. That's total bullshit. I don't even smoke. Fucktards. And the ones where some guy from Africa wants to send me money. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT (for now)!

I don't know the secrets on how to be rich. If i knew, i'd be rich myself.

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