Saturday, August 22, 2009

Collide-o-scope Eyes part 2

This is part 2. If you want to read part 1, click here

Who could be calling me at this unholy hour? Hell, any hour is unholy.
I answered the call. Nothing.
I was about the hang up, then, a muffled voice came from the speaker.
"HEY HAL..."
"He... Hell... Hello." I stammered in reply. That was creepy.
"Who are you? How'd you know my name and number?"
"I AM THE WALRUS." And i'm the Eggman. Very funny.
"IT ISN'T IMPORTANT HOW I GOT YOUR NUMBER, BUT WHY. I CAN HELP YOU." He might be right. I needed all the help i could get. I needed somebody. Hell, anybody.
"Okey. Come on, spill the beans."
He hung up. What the fuck was that?


I went home. It was 3 in the morning, and the sun still hasn't come up. I need another Coke.
I recalled to myself what that fucker said, 'sitting in an english garden, waiting for the sun'. What does he mean by that? Realization dawns at me. Find a fucking english garden, fucktard. Only one person in this whole city owned one, and that person was Lady Madonna. Royalty, but very close to the masses. What does she have to do with this?

I ran all the way to her mansion. I had to break in at the backyard, surely i won't be invited to parties at her estate anytime soon. There she was, sitting in her english garden, surrounded by cellophane flowers of yellow and green, waiting for the sun.
" Lady Madonna, may i ask you a few questions?"
"What are you doing in here? GUARDS!" Oh fuck.
"Please, i mean no harm!" I showed her my badge, to show her i'm on her side. Guards came in, but she immediately sent them away. Damn blue meanies.
"So, what is it that you want, detective?" She said. The sun still hasn't risen.
"I want answers. With so many children, how do manage to make ends meet? Who makes the money? Who pays the rent?" She was living the big life, but she doesn't have a job, or a husband, or anything. Why the fuck is she fucking rich in the first place?
Wait, she's royalty. I fucking forgot that.
"I'll tell you. But not now. Here comes the sun, it's alright." She said.
I saw the sun rise. It was beautiful.
I went unconscious.

to be continued.

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